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Family Fun: a day at the Renaissance Festival

Updated: Oct 23, 2023

Your Inner Child is Calling: a day of dress up, play & laughs

We are fortunate enough to have the Renaissance Festival come to our state once a year. I never went as a child, and really wasn't into the whole knight, queen and peasant dress up idea...until I had kids of my own.

The Magical & Mystical Adventure

If you could close your eyes, and dress up as someone else for a day, would you? If you haven't, I highly recommend it! As parents our kids are constantly asking for toys, gadgets and the latest gizmo to play with. But I'm always wanting them to use their imagination and escape to a playful space without technology in their hands. Taking them on an experience family adventure day is just the answer! So, when my husband started searching on amazon for an outfit for the renaissance festival it got me thinking, why don't we all dress up and play pretend for the day?!?!

If you've never been to the renaissance festival I would explain it like this, an oversized playground for both adults and kids where you can enjoy laughs, food and TONS of fun! It's a re-creation of the 16th century. A walk through the village offers over 80 different artisans

with many handcrafted goods. Not to mention the unique and delicious food! Turkey drumstick anyone??

There are games that you can play powered by human strength and many costumed characters to offer entertainment and laughs throughout the village. It's a magical, whimsy adventure with fairies and walking trees (you have to find the tree guy, the kids love him). But don't say I didn't warn you if you are chosen to "go to jail" or get pulled up on stage and become part of a skit! It happens, it's hilarious and you will pee your pants laughing. Oh! I can't forget the pickle guy. It's a laughing joke in our family that we always have to get a pickle from the pickle guy. One, because I'm obsessed with giant dill pickles (who doesn't love a good crunchy pickle), and two, he loves to pick on redheads & has funny jokes. I've heard some good jokes in my lifetime but this guy may be at the top of my list.

Now you don't have to dress up in order to attend the festival, but it does make it more interesting and fun! We have been going and taking our kids for a couple years now, below are some helpful tips and tricks I've learned and know will help you in planning a day there!

Tips for a successful day at the festival with kids

  1. There will be A LOT of walking! And the walking is not on even ground! Wear comfortable shoes or boots. And if your bringing little ones a wagon or stroller is a great idea! There are several areas around the festival to take a break and rest, but if it's a busy day, a wagon or stroller are key for a successful day with littles.

  2. Be prepared to wait in line! Traffic the last few years has been increasing and the line to get into the festival is fairly long. Get there early before it opens! Once parked you will have plenty of time to adjust your costumes, enjoy a tailgate snack with the kids and get a decent parking spot! The walk to get into the festival, again, is a long one. Fuel up before you head in.

  3. Get discounted or FREE tickets! Admission can be a bit pricey but worth it. If you belong to a credit union or have a local Kroger grocery store near you they often offer discounted tickets. Also check Groupon or ask your friends who work at local businesses if they received any promotional tickets they are willing to part with. Saving money on admission means more bread bowls, pickles & beer steins! Yum!

  4. Talk with your kids ahead of time and set expectations. As adults we know it's all fun and games. Explain to your kids that everyone at the festival is playing pretend and will be dressed up in various costumes. There will be dragons, knights, a king and queen, fairies and mystical creatures walking around. Relate it to some of their fairytale books so they are prepared to witness the whimsical characters you will see walking around. Everyone is super nice and so good to the kids, but preparing them ahead of time might be a good idea for littles.

  5. Let kids be kids! There will be plenty of opportunities for face painting, fairy dusting (glitter everywhere, don't say I didn't warn you), a playground and games to entertain them. We usually hit the playground once in the beginning for a short amount of time, and again at the end before we leave. It's fairly easy to let them play for a few right when you get there, and to peel them away because there's so much more to see. Of course make the promise you will come back after walking around for a bit. There are picnic tables near the playground area as well. Let them play for a bit, walk around and then when they start to get tired and hungry, grab a bite to eat and head back to the playground so the kids can eat, then play, while the parents have an uninterrupted meal!

  6. Bring cash! The festival employees make a living putting on a show for everyone. Have cash available to tip the people running the rides and walking the streets of the village creating magical moments for the kids. It goes a long way and is much appreciated by the festival staff.

  7. Be weather ready! No matter how hard we try it's either a super hot day or it ends up raining. Check the forecast before you go and bring the necessary equipment to brace what mother nature has to offer that day. Weather is so unpredictable and since the festival is held in the fall it can get pretty muddy and dirty. I once wore cute flip flops, biggest regret ever! When I took them off my feet looked like I had spent a day walking around NYC, were black and full of dirt. And my shoes were ruined. So no matter how cute your outfit is, wear something practical. And don't forget the sunblock, rainboots and an umbrella or poncho if there is rain in the forecast! Be prepared for the long haul!

  8. Packing a cooler, snacks and picnic is budget friendly! Food, drinks and snacks are so delicious and unique, but if your on a budget pack a picnic! You aren't allowed to bring outside food and beverage into the festival unless it's something that is medically necessary i.e. baby formula. But you are allowed to pack a cooler and leave it in the car. Just make sure you get your hand stamped before leaving so that you can re-renter the festival. Same-day re-entry is allowed but be sure it is not past 7pm!

  9. See a show! The renaissance festival offers tons of shows that include comedy and imagination. Some shows are specifically for children and others are not. Grab a brochure at the entrance when you get there. It will have all the show times, what the show is about and where it is located. Be sure to check out the joust! It happens three times a day and is FREE! But get there early to snag a place to sit! The brochure also includes a map of the village as well. This is very handy so don't forget to grab one!

  10. Open your heart to playing a role & don't be afraid to participate! There are many opportunities to have fun at the festival. One way to have a good time is to participate in the fun. Many of the festival workers will come up to you, holler at you, make fun of you, ask you if you want fairy dust sprinkled on you and even invite you on stage! They bring the fun, all you have to do is participate! Be open, join the fun and laugh. There's also a village "Jail" where you can pay to lock up your friends. This is where having cash is useful. Do it discreetly, its hilarious and makes for a good time. Also, you didn't hear that from me lol.

I hope you find this guide helpful in navigating a day at the festival! You can check out the Renaissance Festival's website where they have an FAQ page to answer any other questions you might have, or certainly contact me and I would be happy to help! Check out our costume haul from amazon on my shop the blog page! You can also check out my reel of our family adventure day at the Michigan Renaissance Festival on my Instagram page here!


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