Listening to the fire inside yourself, your inner knowing, and following it!
Fun fact, I LOVE all things interior design, decorating, home staging and renovating! When I was 34 weeks pregnant I convinced my husband that quitting my e-commerce sales & marketing job to start my own Interior Decorating & Home Staging company was the best idea. Fast forward nine years and I have done everything from interior re-design, e-design, interior decorating, home staging, custom blind/curtain installation and color consulting. If I'm being completely honest, I never really shared my work because I was so critical of it. Not to mention the internet can be a mean place for someone who is starting a new venture they are so passionate about. I was scared of what people would say and think of my work. Not anymore! I'm ready to share what I have learned and how it can help you create and decorate your dream space.
I would love to call myself an expert in the Interior design industry but the truth is, I learned through self-guided courses and education. When I decided to venture into the home decorating & design industry I dove straight in head first. I read all the books, looked for and learned from all the experts and took many courses and masterclasses. I even asked for one of the courses as a Christmas gift and became a C.I.D., Certified Interior Decorator. I dove deeper and followed my love and passion for color and learned how to become a color consultant. And although I cannot call myself an Interior Designer (in the state of Michigan you must have a degree, several semester hours and complete a test and have licensure), I can call myself an Interior Decorator, Home Stager & Color Consultant.
I want to inspire you!
I often found myself looking at all these influencers on Instagram DIY'ing their own spaces (my favorite ones right now are Remington Avenue and Angela Rose, Mallory Nikolaus Home). I kept hearing my inner self whispering "you love this, go do it", and here I am. My friends and family were always asking me to help with home design & organizing projects, which made my heart sing. In fact, I loved it so much that they started paying me for my work. I not only loved the decorating process of re-designing a room, using current furnishings or convincing my clients to purchase new items; but I REALLY loved the way it made them feel when the room came together and was complete. The glow on their face and warmth in their heart. Creating a space for them and their families to enjoy, it made me light up!
the nitty gritty
Going back to school wasn't the answer for me at the time. I was recently graduated from college with a Bachelor's Degree, had student debit and was pregnant and about to pop! And to say I was naïve about starting a business right before delivering a newborn is an understatement. So I got down to it. I spent the first 6 months of my sons life enjoying all the newborn moments with him while reading, researching and learning all things Interior Design. I plotted and planned, created a logo, applied for an LLC and told my friends and family I was starting my own Interior Decorating & Home Staging business. My sister even helped me out and started working with me. It was amazing.
I continued to listen to the fire burning inside of me and once again, my husband supported me in my journey. We started to save and completed smaller projects, documenting and taking notes on what to and not to do, learning from our mistakes. He would listen to my crazy ideas and then bring me back down to reality discussing budget and his craftsman skills. It was exhilarating and so much fun.
design projects
Before we moved into our second home we replaced nearly 2,000 square feet of flooring, removed wallpaper, painted cabinets, added backsplash to the kitchen, knocked out walls and closets to open up spaces and hired a painter to paint every single room and piece of trim. With the help of my mom, dad, aunt, sisters, mother-in-law, and father-in-law we got the job done! Growing up my dad would always say "teamwork makes the dreamwork" and I now pass that slogan down to my kids on a weekly basis. Reiterating the fact that teamwork really does make the dream work. We had so many hands helping us create our dream home. Maybe they felt bad because I was pregnant lol but they were there and we are grateful for everyone who helped.
before and after
Below are some of the projects we tackled in our last home. I plan to spotlight all of the projects I have worked on for clients in the coming year through more blog posts too. If there's one take away from this post I want to leave you with it's this; stop being afraid of what others might think or say. Listen to those little voices inside you (meditating is a great way to do this...but more on that in a later blog post). Don't silence them, bring them to the surface. Tell your loved ones how excited you are about them. Gain support from your family and friends and do things that light you up! Life is just too damn short not too!
I would love to hear about your dreams that have been silent, on pause or at a stand still. Something you have been wanting to do, accomplish or start but haven't yet. Follow along on my journey so I can help encourage you to listen to that fire inside! Let's bring our dreams into reality and make it happen! First step, is sharing it and saying it aloud! Post in the comments below!!! Let's do this!